Jumping is an essential part of horse riding and is an excellent way for riders to develop their skills. However, getting your horse to jump cleanly and consistently can be challenging. Many horse owners struggle to jump consistently or jump at their full potential because they haven’t found the right techniques or exercises to hone their skills.Jumping is also something that can improve over time with practice - it doesn’t matter if you have a green horse or have been riding your horse for years - jumping is an activity that anyone can do and can be very enjoyable. There are many different ways to improve your horse’s jumping ability, but it’s important to find exercises that are appropriate to your level of experience and your horse’s level of competence. This way, you can progress at a steady pace while avoiding frustration on both your part and your horse’s part. Whether you want to improve your fitness through jumping or want to jump with your horse to develop your partnership, read on to learn about the different ways you can improve your horse’s jumping ability.

Build confidence and trust through groundwork.

Before you jump your horse, you should always make sure he is properly schooled and has a good start. Your horse should be comfortable with the aids you use and know what to expect from you during the jumping course. Groundwork is the foundation for everything you do in the jumping arena, so you’ll want to make sure you’ve built a strong foundation with groundwork exercises before jumping your horse.If your horse has never jumped before, you’ll want to start with simple exercises like canter lunges and walk throughs. Once your horse is comfortable with these exercises, you can progress to more challenging exercises like open-sided jumps, verticals, and cross-rails.You should also make sure that your horse is comfortable with the fences in the jumping ring by letting him see them from a distance and doing a few groundwork exercises in the ring before jumping him.

Try low-impact exercises.

If you have a young horse who is just learning to jump, you can help prevent future joint issues by staying off of higher-impact exercises. The best low-impact exercises for your horse to practice are low-tech exercises such as walk through the ring, walk and jog in the ring, and walk and jog on the ground.When you’re training your horse to jump, you can also use low-impact exercises to teach your horse how to move in the build-up to the jump. You can use these exercises on the ground and in the ring to help your horse develop the muscle memory he needs to jump correctly.

Build a good foundation with basics.

If you’re jumping your horse for the first time or if you’ve never jumped before, you’ll want to make sure you start with the basics. This includes things like building a good relationship with your horse, finding the right size of rider and horse, and making sure your horse is fit and healthy.Once you’ve built a good relationship with your horse, you can start to focus on the basics. You’ll want to make sure your horse is ridden in a way that is correct for his level, you’re on the correct sized horse for you, and your horse is in good health so he can focus on the task at hand without being stressed out.

Build strength and endurance with upper-body work.

If you’re looking to improve your jumping game, you may want to consider upper-body work. This can help build strength in your horse’s muscles used in jumping, which can make jumping easier for both you and your horse. Upper-body work can include exercises like lunges, side-passes, and upper-body turns. This type of work will also help improve your posture, which can help you to stay in a better position in the ring. Upper-body work will also help your horse stay balanced, which will make jumping much easier for him.When you’re jumping, your horse’s muscles and tendons are under a lot of strain. Upper-body work can help to strengthen these muscles and help your horse to stay balanced while jumping.

Use a consistent approach to help your horse improve consistently.

When you’re working on improving your horse’s jumping ability, it’s important to use a consistent approach so your horse can learn and improve at a steady pace. If you try a new technique one week and then switch to something completely different the next week, it’s unlikely that your horse will learn anything substantial.A consistent approach to jumping will help your horse to build muscle memory and learn the correct way to jump through repetition. You can use consistent exercises like canter lunges, open-side jumps, and verticals to help your horse learn how to jump correctly.


Jumping is an essential part of horse riding and is an excellent way for riders to develop their skills. However, getting your horse to jump cleanly and consistently can be challenging. Many horse owners struggle to jump consistently or jump at their full potential because they haven’t found the right techniques or exercises to hone their skills.Jumping is also something that can improve over time with practice - it doesn’t matter if you have a green horse or have been riding your horse for years - jumping is an activity that anyone can do and can be very enjoyable. There are many different ways to improve your horse’s jumping ability, but it’s important to find exercises that are appropriate to your level of experience and your horse’s level of competence. This way, you can progress at a steady pace while avoiding frustration on both your part and your horse’s part.