As you know, horse jumping is a competitive equestrian sport where horse riders attempt to jump over a series of obstacles that are designed to test their skill, speed and control. There are different levels of this sport ranging from beginner to professional. At the lower levels, the jumps are smaller and easier to clear whereas the higher levels feature larger jumps that are more difficult to jump over.There are three different types of horse jumps: cross-country (XC), stadium jumping (ST) and show jumping (SH). Each type of jump has its own set of rules, rules of engagement and requirements for safety equipment. Here is a breakdown of the different types of jumps found in the world of horse jumping:

Cross-Country Jumping

In cross-country jumping, the rider and horse jump a course of fences that are set out at varying distances apart. The goal of this type of jump is to maintain speed and control throughout the course without the rider going off-course or making any errors. Cross-country fences are set at varying heights with some fences being no more than one and a half meters high while others may be as high as three meters. Cross-country fences are usually set on grass or fields and do not have any special requirements for footing such as sand or water.

Stadium Jumping

In stadium jumping, the rider and horse jump over fences that are set up like a stadium. There are usually four or five jumps in one course with each jump being about three meters high. The jumps in stadium jumping are very steep and feature a very large landing area. This type of jump requires a lot of skill and control to navigate around each obstacle. Strength, training and experience are all important when jumping in stadium competition. Strength is important for being able to lift the horse over the jumps and for landing correctly after the jump. Trainer and rider communication is also extremely important when jumping in stadium.

Show Jumping

Show jumping is the most popular equestrian sport in the world. Riders jump over a course of fences that feature both vertical and horizontal rails. Vertical rails are usually set up in a straight line while the horizontal rails are set up like a ladder. The fences are set at different heights with the lowest being about one and a half meters and the highest being about five meters high. Show jumping fences are usually made of wood or plastic and often feature a metal gate at the top. Show jumping is a timed event where the rider is given a certain amount of time to complete the course. The course for show jumping competitions is set up according to the rules and regulations outlined by the show jumping governing body such as the British Equestrian Federation or the United States Equestrian Federation.


To conclude, horse jumping is a very competitive equestrian sport that tests a rider’s skill, strength and control. There are three different types of horse jumps: cross-country, stadium and show jumping. Cross-country jumping is a great way to learn how to control your horse, jump over obstacles and maintain speed. Strength, training and experience are all important when jumping in stadium competition. Show jumping is the most popular equestrian sport in the world. Riders jump over a course of fences that feature both vertical and horizontal rails. Vertical rails are usually set up in a straight line while the horizontal rails are set up like a ladder. The fences are set at different heights with the lowest being about one and a half meters and the highest being about five meters high.