Jumping is one of the most rewarding and challenging activities in the horse world. However, if you are afraid of jumping, it can be an unpleasant experience and make you quit the sport altogether. Even though riding with a jump can be fun, it is normal to feel nervous during a first time on the horse. In fact, 80% of horse sports participants have suffered from some form of fear or anxiety before they even started their first session. But don’t let your fears hold you back from experiencing all that jumping has to offer – there are ways to mitigate your anxiety and overcome these fears so that you can experience all the joy that jumping has to offer!The first step towards overcoming your fears is to understand what exactly is causing them. The most common fears associated with riding and jumping include falling or being dropped, the height, not being able to control the horse during the jump, not catching the horse, or not knowing how to position yourself during the jump. These feelings are normal and can be resolved with knowledge and confidence. There are many ways to overcome your fears and become more comfortable with the activity of jumping. You can start by making small changes in your routine, such as reducing the amount of times you jump or choosing an easier horse to jump with.

Start small

When you first start out, it is important to ease into the sport. If you begin by jumping small fences, you are less likely to get hurt and more likely to build up your confidence. You can also choose to jump indoors or outside on smaller and less challenging jumps until you feel more comfortable. It is also important to choose the right horse for you. If you are not comfortable with the level of jumping that your horse can do, you may be too intimidated to jump, even if it means missing out on the fun of the sport. Make sure you are comfortable with the horse you select before jumping with him or her to build your confidence and reduce your anxiety.

Find the right instructor

If you are new to jumping, it is important to find an instructor who understands your level of experience and comfort with the sport. You don’t want to choose an instructor who is too easy or challenging for you, as this can make you feel pressured or bored. Be sure to tell the instructor about your level of experience and talk to him or her about how to make the experience more enjoyable. This can include helping you with the basics, such as how to build up your confidence and how to correct your mistakes without making you feel bad about yourself.Finding the right instructor can make a big difference in your comfort level with the sport. You can also find a group of people who are interested in the same level you are and jump with them regularly to build your confidence and get used to the routine.

Visualize success

When you are feeling anxious or nervous, visualizing yourself successfully jumping can help you overcome your fear and relax. Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve almost anything that you want in life. The key is to focus on success, rather than the negative aspects of jumping.For example, if you are visualizing yourself successfully jumping, you can focus on what it will feel like to soar through the air in the moment that you jump. You can also focus on how your horse will react to the jump. Visualizing yourself successfully jumping can help you relax and overcome your fears.

Know your horse's capabilities

Before you even get on the horse, you should know what level it can jump. The best way to do this is by watching it jump in an open competition or at a training session. You can also ask the owner or trainer if you can watch the horse jump before you sign up for a lesson or a series of jumps.

Go slowly

If you are jumping for the first time, you may want to start with a crossrail or a smaller jump. This will give you time to get used to the feeling of jumping and increase your confidence. It also gives you time to get used to the feeling of your horse jumping before you move up to bigger jumps.


Jumping is a great way to challenge yourself and your horse. But that challenge can come with a cost: You might have some fears associated with jumping and be less inclined to jump as often as you might like. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome your fears and get more comfortable with the sport. Start small, find the right instructor, visualize success, know your horse's capabilities, and go slowly. With a little planning and preparation, you can overcome your fears and make the most of the fun of jumping.