Horse jumping is a thrilling but also high-risk activity that makes use of a horse’s natural instincts to jump as high and as far as possible. It’s a popular event at many equestrian centers around the world, but jumping is inherently dangerous and poses a risk of injury for both horse and rider. Horse jumping competitions are governed by many rules and regulations, including penalties for rider error, but there are ways to make it safer for both participants. Whether you’re a novice rider looking to try it for the first time or an advanced rider looking to improve your technique, knowing how to prevent injuries while jumping is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Know your horse’s capabilities

Before you enter a jumping arena, you should take your horse through some short, controlled jumps to get a feel for his capabilities. This will allow you to make adjustments before the actual competition starts, so you know what he can do and what you need to change to make things safer for both of you. Once you know your horse’s abilities, you can use this information during the actual competition to plan your jump. This will allow you to jump at the right height to ensure that you don’t risk injury, but also prevent you from falling behind the others in the competition.

Don’t bend your horse’s neck too much

As you jump, you want to lean forward as much as possible so that your horse has a straight line to jump through. This is known as the “correct position” and it’s crucial to preventing injuries during jumping. The correct position allows your horse to have the most natural jumping ability, so you don’t want to bend his neck too much. If you lean too far forward, you could strain your back, but if you bend his neck too much, he won’t have the strength or ability to jump as high or as far. Ideally, you want to be in the correct position for most of the jumps, but you can make minor adjustments, like leaning forward for the first jump then coming back for the rest.

Don’t overstride your horse

Another crucial part of staying in the correct position during jumping is not overstriding. Overstriding refers to when you put too much distance between your legs and your horse’s saddle. This puts a strain on your horse’s back, and it’s one of the most common causes of jumping injuries. If you overstride, it’s easy to get stuck in the wrong position, and it can be difficult to get out of it if you start leaning forward. To stay in the correct position, you want to keep your legs close to your horse’s sides. This allows you to make small adjustments as needed, like leaning forward for a jump then coming back for the rest.

Keep your hands away from the horse’s mouth

If you have an untrained horse, putting a hand on his mouth might make him stop and not jump again, but if he’s jumping competitively, it’s a bad idea. Horses can feel your hand on their mouths, which is why so many jumpers are advised to use a whip instead of a hand. Using your whip is another way to keep your hands away from your horse’s mouth, and it’s a safer option for you and your horse. If you have a whip in one hand, you can use the other hand to help your horse maintain his balance and get him over his fences. Whips also come in different sizes, so you can use the one that’s best for you.

Practice, practice, practice

As you get more and more comfortable in the saddle, you’ll feel more confident and be able to jump with less fear. Before you jump in front of other riders, it’s a good idea to learn the basics of your horse’s jumps. This will allow you to jump at the right height and without worrying about falling behind the others. While you’re learning, it’s a good idea to practice with a friend. You can help each other out, and they can make the experience even more enjoyable. When you’re ready to jump in front of other riders, make sure to practice in an area that’s similar to the one where you’ll actually compete. This will help you get used to the new surroundings and the jumps there so you don’t get stressed out when you compete.


Jumping is an exhilarating experience, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to prevent injuries. To make sure you have an enjoyable experience, you need to be aware of the risks and know how to prevent them. This will help you stay safe and make the most of your time in the saddle. With these tips, you’re sure to have an amazing time jumping, and you’ll be able to come away with plenty of great memories.